Meals.Chat Icon

Track your diet with a photo

Send me pics of your food (and drinks). I'll calculate the calories, macros and ingredients with AI.

📸 Send me a photo every time you eat or drink something

No more annoying manual logging. Just snap a pic and I'll do the rest.

Sending a picture of a burger to the chat bot and getting back calories, macros and ingredients.

🎯 Hit your daily calorie or macro goals

I can help you track calories or macros (grams and percentages) or even both.

Tell me your exact goal like "2000 calories".

Or just write what you want to achieve like "I'm 30, 180cm, 90kg and I want to lose weight" and I'll figure it out for you.

A response from the bot showing your daily calorie and macro intake.

🧠 I'll analyse the calories, macros and ingredients with AI

You can reply and correct me if anything looks wrong.

A photo of a green juice with the ingredients listed around it.

✏️ Or write what you had and I'll figure it out

If you forgot to take a pic, just tell me what you had like "burger and fries" or "latte" and I'll guess based on typical ingredients and portion size.

Manually writing chicken salad no dressing to the chat bot and getting back calories, macros and ingredients.

📸 Send me a photo every time you eat or drink something

No more annoying manual logging. Just snap a pic and I'll do the rest.

Sending a picture of a burger to the chat bot and getting back calories, macros and ingredients.

🧠 I'll analyse the calories, macros and ingredients with AI

You can reply and correct me if anything looks wrong.

A photo of a green juice with the ingredients listed around it.

🎯 Hit your daily calorie or macro goals

I can help you track calories or macros (grams and percentages) or even both.

Tell me your exact goal like "2000 calories".

Or just write what you want to achieve like "I'm 30, 180cm, 90kg and I want to lose weight" and I'll figure it out for you.

A response from the bot showing your daily calorie and macro intake.

✏️ Or write what you had and I'll figure it out

If you forgot to take a pic, just tell me what you had like "burger and fries" or "latte" and I'll guess based on typical ingredients and portion size.

Manually writing chicken salad no dressing to the chat bot and getting back calories, macros and ingredients.

☕️ Track your caffeine consumption

Take a pic of your tea, coffee or matcha and I'll estimate the caffeine content. Get better sleep and less jitters.

Sending a pic of a latte to the chat bot and getting back the caffeine amount, calories and macros.

Start tracking your diet